The Local Offer
The Children and Families Act 2014 requires local authorities to publish, in a single place information on services and provision across education, transport, health and social care for children and young people aged 0 - 25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The purpose of this "local offer" is to enable parents, carers and young people to see more clearly what services are available for children with SEND in their area and how to access them. The process extends to all childcare settings and the information below forms our setting offer and shows how we have and still do provide for children with special educational needs and disabilities.
Our Policy
We support children with special educational needs by providing an environment in which all children are supported to reach their full potential.
- We comply with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and the Equality Act 2010.
- We have regard for the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2014).
- We ensure our provision is inclusive to all children with special educational needs.
- We support parents and children with special educational needs.
- We identify the specific needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and meet those needs through a range of SEN Strategies.
- We work in Partnership with parents and other agencies in meeting individual children’s needs.
- We monitor and review our policy, practice and provision and, if necessary, make adjustments.
- We have a designated Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) who is Katie Hatfield and in her absence Danielle Bushby.
Identifying Children with Special Educational Needs and Disability
- On induction to our setting the SENCo and parents share information about the strengths and needs of the child to create a positive partnership.
- Families will be supported for as long as it takes for your child to settle. We want your child to feel happy and safe with us.
- Each child has a key person who works closely with your child and the family and may identify a possible individual need.
- On-going observational assessments are made of all children and are linked to the Early Years Outcomes and Development Matters ages and stages of development (as outlined in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage) EYFS.
- We undertake a ‘progress check at age 2’ which supplies parents/carers with a short written summary of their child’s development.
- Reports from health care professionals may identify a child’s individual needs and we will include these in your child’s learning and development journal.
Supporting Children with SEND
- Our SENCo will work with all our staff to ensure provision is relevant and appropriate.
- We use the ‘graduated approach system’ for identifying, assessing and responding to children with special educational needs. This means using a step-by-step response through the various levels of intervention which are Discussion of a Concern, Targeted Support, Specialist Support and Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC).
- Our SENCo will explain how children’s individual needs can be met by planning support using a written Individual Learning and Provision Plan (ILPP), My Support Plan, EHC, or Health Care Plan.
- The keyperson will oversee the ILPP targets.
- ILPP targets will be reviewed and new ones planned by your child's Keyperson, SENCo and parents.
- We access additional support from other professionals where necessary.
- Our SENCo will work with all other staff to ensure implementation of the ILPP and subsequent continuity of care and education by everyone.
- We ensure that parents are informed at all stages of assessment, planning, provision, monitoring and review of your child’s progress.
- Learning Journeys (keyworker books) are available to view at any time and may be borrowed to take home.
- All documentation is kept in the child’s file in a locked filing cabinet to ensure confidentiality.
- Funding can be applied for to help support your child from the Local Authority.
- Our SENCo has completed specific SENCo training and also attends Network Meetings each term to keep up-to-date with any new legislation, paperwork or new ways of working.
- Staff have attended training linked to specific needs and will attend further courses if required.
Accessibility of the Environment
- Disabled access via main door
- Disabled toilet available with hand rails.
- Resources are easily accessible by children, who have free choice.
- Limitations of the building will be explained on arrival and we can make changes or adapt our facilities were possible.
Working with other Professionals
- We have regular contact with the following professionals:
- Area SENCo
- Local Authority Early Years/Out of school Advisor
- Health Visitor
- Speech and Language Therapist
- Local Children’s Centre (e.g. Family liaison staff)
- Our local partnership hub which includes our feeder schools, nurseries and childminders in our area.
Advice from professionals in other areas maybe sought as a need arises, such as:
- Child Development Centre, Childre's Therapy Servies (York Hospital)
- Physiotherapist
- Occupational Therapist
- Many professionals can be contacted regarding a child’s specific individual needs.
Further Information
- The Keyperson is always available for advice and support in the first instance. There is a list of every child and who their Keyperson is within the rooms.
- The Manager and SENCo are also available to offer advice.
- We can signpost parents to other professionals that may be able to help such as health visitor, speech and language therapist, children’s centre and others.
- If your child’s need has been referred to a specific team we will be able to support parents in accessing their services.
- Family Information Service – City of York Council - http://www.yor-ok.org.uk/
Moving on to School / Another setting
- We work in partnership with the schools and parents to plan a smooth transition for each child into school/setting. As well as parents and our pre-school staff, these can include early year’s school teachers, school SENCo, receiving setting staff and relevant professionals.
- We share all documentation such as ILPPs, My Support Plans, early year’s assessments, observations.
- We invite receiving school/setting to visit our Pre-School/out of school club to familiarise and observe the child and to share information in partnership with parents.
We operate an open door policy and all staff welcome your family to visit our Pre-School and out of school club. We will aim to work together to include any child with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.