Management Committee

The voluntary Management Committee is drawn from members of the club - the parents and carers of the children who attend. The Management committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting in line with the Club Constitution and may comprise of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 members. Monthly Committee Meetings are advertised on the Club notice board.

Committee Members

Funfishers out of school and pre-school is run by a committee of volunteer parents, who are elected annually at our AGM in July.
The main officers are;

Peter Otter - Chair

Shared role – Secretary

Patricia Barrett – Treasurer

We also have a number of other parent committee members. 

Funfishers Committee Need YOU!

Please consider volunteering to be a Trustee or support us with one-off events



What does a Trustee mean?

It means that you, with others, are responsible for running a charity and work together to make sure the charity is run properly. You would be responsible for things like liasing with the manager to:

  • managing staff and volunteer
  • money
  • making decisions about what the charity will do 
  • Your skills could help Funfishers to run more effectively and it’s great to put the experience on your CV!
  • There are some special responsbilities like chair, treasurer and secetary. If you have any relevant skills and are interested – please let us know

How much time will it take up?
  • There is a committee meeting in the evenings, once a month which lasts for approx. one to one and a half hours. Depending on your role, or what is coming up, there is minimum input for the rest of the month.
  • Skills in fund raising, Human Resources and Health and Safety are also and important part to funfishers so any knowledge would be a boost to the club.
  • A full DBS check is required to become a committee member  

We look forward to hearing from you!

Parent comment:

 “Helping make decisions about how Funfishers is run has helped me to feel included in the Clubs. To see the happiness of my children and others and the good running of the Clubs is wonderful and to know that my involvement on the committee has helped shape that.”